Safe, professional, robust

Bicycle carrier,
the convenient transport solution

Bicycle carriers for buses and coaches

The HUCKEPACK® series bike carriers offer you safe and convenient transport solutions for scheduled and touring services.
With innovative technology such as the BIKELIFT© system, it makes loading and unloading bicycles and e-bikes up to 30 kg much easier.
This new solution not only supports cycle tourism, but also offers a sustainable answer to the challenges of urban transport.
HUCKEPACK® models: DGBM protected.

Bus & Bike – Mobility in town and country ©

effortless loading and unloading

The piggyback bicycle carrier is a pioneering innovation in bicycle transport. Developed many years ago by Franz Harbeck, it has become an integral part of scheduled and touring transport. The models HLT 5, HLT 5/H, HLT 3/D and the latest model HLT 5/B bear witness to the ingenuity of the Siegsdorf specialist. The HLT 5/B in particular sets new standards: each of the five wheel spaces is equipped with a BIKELIFT©, which makes it easy to load and unload bicycles and e-bikes weighing up to 30 kg.